When a child is born; the world around them seems to be filled with wonders. The different noises, and smells, overwhelms their precious deep-filled starry eyed wonder. So they cry with joy as they begin to see a colourful world that their senses cannot wait to explore.
Sometimes, they might even get hurt in the process of venturing out, but, this experience never put them off. They continue to explore the world around them… both the pain, and the wonders that life has in store for them.
As children the smell of fresh picked flowers, the small feet paddling in bathwater or the puddles, soon the child forget the pain of the rough of tumbles of life. They just continue to enjoy the journey that life has to offer. But what has happened to us since then? life changed us. We lose this sense of childlike wonder. Pain and suffering has aged us forcing us to become bitter.
So we forget what it was like not having a care in the world. We have forgotten about that first crush that pin up on our wall. Life has become like a knife, and sharpened our spirit to such degree that we lost our sense of innocence.
If we have been bullied whether in school, workplace, we begin to build walls around us. We block out the sunlight, the flowers stop growing, we also stop living and laughing as little babies does.
Something has happened to us. What is worse we continue into this cycle of what the world regard to be, ‘maturity.’ Well, I don’t want to be mature! I don’t want to be; if being mature means to stop living, and never enjoying life! I
don’t want to be mature, if it means acting all serious, and not having my spirit rejoicing at the birth of spring when the green grass shows off their colourful bloom .
I have seen what maturity do to people. They take life too seriously! They find it hard being themselves as they have joined the, ‘mature club,’ old farts ready for grave. They don’t respond when the first flower of spring begins to bloom. They are dead inside, and they want you to join their spiritual morgue!
As we get older, we fall in love, we get disappointments in our lives, and the experience dulls our senses. We no longer paddle our feet with wonder when we jump into a lake, or, visit the seaside. We don’t build sandcastles anymore, or hold a tender flower that has just arrived through the moist willing soil, to smell it, and celebrate being alive!
We have joined the old farts club. Well, I am a rebel. I am a rebel for life, and living. Yes, I have been hurt in the past. But, it has never killed my childlike wonder. When I was homeless on the streets, I would look up at the millions of diamond formed dazzling stars wondering if there was life out there in space!
We only stop living when we allow pain, and others to prevent us from smelling again that fresh flower, that Spring proudly gives to us. Spring reminds us that: we are children of the earth. But we stop living, and cease being human; when we refuse to look at the wonders, and mysteries, and beauty of life.
I can go to a local park, and it feels like I am heaven. A child with a wild imagination can make jumping into a shallow puddle seem like a sea wave! Heaven is a state of mind it is where children have corned the market with their innocence.
It is no wonder Fred Astaire sang these words:
‘Heaven… I’m in heaven,
And my heart beats so that I can hardly speak.
And I seem to find the happiness I seek,
When we’re out together dancing cheek to cheek.’
When was the last time that our heart beat so fast with the excitement of life? We lose this innocence when we also care too much what other people think about us. Self consciousness can lose this beautiful child like quality.
We love comedy because it is the only time when we can forget about being old farts and really have a belly laugh. We can let down the emotional barriers of acting right and mature and really be lost in the moment.
10 Tips on how to remain childlike as though life has never hurt you
1. Watch a tender movies eating pop corn, pretending you have not seen it before.
2. Pretend when you go to the park it is your first time. You will be surprise how much your sense will pick out different things and smells.
3. Laugh often
4. Act and celebrate life like a child.
5. Keep healthy and fit mentally and physically.
6. Stop thinking negatively it will age you
7. Look out for figures in the clouds and see how many shapes you can see
8. Always revert to watching movies you saw in your childhood
9. Have a pillow fight with a friend loved ones etc…
10. Read children’s book. I read Brothers Grimm, and Handerson
Having innocence is a beautiful thing as you love as though you were never hurt before. You kiss, like it was your first time. You make love differently and never the same way. Most of all, it shows the world that no matter what you have gone through, you are alive! You have maintained that innocence.
When you come alive, people will be uncomfortable. They are still in land of, ‘the living dead.’ When you have a beaming light around you, a smile than can launch a thousand ships, they won’t like it. When you have maintained your innocence, and childlike wonder; despite all that life has thrown at you, the reward of living is then yours.
Remember that trying to get people to understand your special journey of innocence is like trying to give garlic to a vampire! Enjoy your innocence and your journey. Create the world that you want to see by acting it! Heaven is around you and it starts with your imagination!
Let it run wild. Let your imagination be like a wild horse escaping to freedom! Gallop through the grassland at break neck speed not looking back, and refusing to be put back into the barn!