I have helped many people with reiki healing who have come out of a bad relationship. If there is a valuable lesson to be learnt… it is that, not one size fits all. Coming out of a relationship can be very painful and confusing at the best of times.
The effects are usually; we become numb. Suddenly the world seems grey while we lose our taste for our once favorite dish. We seem to move around in a zombie state. This is all a shock process.
Some of us drift into a deep state of depression a dark hole that seems to just drop downwards showing no signs of ever reaching the bottomless pit…. Many a poignant songs has been written because of a break up of a relationship.
If we have been dumped but the end of the relationship is not a two way process, it is more painful. The reason being the break up was not a mutual agreement. How do you just let go off someone that you still love? It is worse when there is emotional abuse in the mix which I will cover in my next blog.
Healing is all about understanding the symptoms to begin with. Love is an emotional energy shared between two souls. As long as this energy works in harmony with each other everything can be fantastic. Of course, when the harmony stops working together it attracts other dark forces and upset the spiritual equilibrium. When this happens we become ill and depressed and lack motivation for living.
The negative force that consumes us, and sucks the life out from our souls, leaves us barely surviving. Now we are learning to breathe on your own and it is painful. Every breathe we take we actually feel like a tied knot that just sitting there. (I know I have been there)
Love is like a baby growing inside their mother’s womb all safe and snug. As soon as it is born and leaves this safety it lets out a cry. The baby cries because he or she does not understand why they have left the comfort of their mother’s womb.
Being safe and in love is almost like being back into our mother’s womb where we feel invincible, and safe. The baby now has to find its’ own identity in this cold world and suddenly has to adapt to all the noises and smells around them. It can be frightening. New sounds and smells and unfamiliar surroundings…
Reiki sessions can help you overcome these fears, and the emotional traumas of feeling confused, and alone.
My reiki healing sessions are deep and spiritual, and most of all, safe. You will feel energized.
The intense therapy will heal the areas of:
- Letting go of the angers.
- Releasing the emotional attachment
- Recovery and learning to love yourself again.
- Healing Spiritual and Emotional Traumas
- Releasing inner strength and much more
- Allowing healing to help you grieve through the process.
- Healing you to control your troubled mind and much more…

Reiki sessions can be done either online Zoom Skype or Whatsapp. It is just as powerful. Or you can do it in person one-to-one. Please, don’t suffer alone! I am here to help you assure you that everything happens for a reason. No matter how painful the journey!
The most beautiful diamonds are found in the darkest places of the earth crust. Your soul at this moment is in a dark place because a miracle is waiting to happen in your life. You cannot see it now. But you will.
And I will help you not only during this healing process, but to be able to see light at the end of the tunnel.
It is time for you to be healed and to discover the wonders that waits for you on this spiritual journey… I will help you breathe through the pain and will celebrate your victory! Don’t give up have faith in yourself, because I believe in you! I know that you can make it to the next level.
If you are asking for help that is the first stage of healing process. You are admitting that a change must happen now in your life. I will create that change, that miracle that you deserve in your life. Don’t suffer in the silence when healing and spiritual restoration is only an email or phone call away!
All sessions are confidential.
I am only a phone call away or email!
Prices: £40 full hr £30 forty minutes. Price can be be reduced after regular visits if requested
Mobile 07507486532
Phone 01952 248756