Reiki healing in Shropshire is founded by, ‘amotivationalpositivelifestyle.com. I am proud to launch this exclusive service, offering Reiki healing in Shrewsbury and Telford. The session can be tailored around well-being, stress management, with solutions for local based employees and employers, in the comfort of your own homes or at my private surgery.
I am not only a reiki healer, but am also qualified in mentoring, and support management. I am also the author of:
How to Plan a Successful Life: Amazon.co.uk: Watson, S: 9781544126913: Books
So you know you are in good capable hands!
Most people spend the best part of their lives at work, and the stresses, and strains of contemporary living, and working can become a major problem for both employers, and employees.
According to the Health & Safety Executive (HSE), an estimated 500,000 people in the UK each year; experience work-related stress at a level which they believe to be causing ill health. Nearly 5 million people in the UK state that they feel “very” or “extremely” stressed at work. Stress-related illnesses cost UK businesses approximately £3.7 billion each year.
Stress at work – Mental health conditions, work and the workplace – HSE
Employers are looking for days to decrease stress in the workplace in order to combat this growing issue.
Reiki can help employees to develop skills to manage stress better, resulting in:
Improved productivity
Improved health
Increased energy
Improved concentration, focus, and self-confidence
Better decision-making
Improved relationship with employers
After Each Session You Will Experience:
1. A deep feeling of spiritual recharge
2. Improved sleep
3. reduction in depression and anxiety
4. Pain relief
5. Deep Positive feeling and great confidence
6. Increase energy
7. Emotional healing and release
8. Help mental clarity
9. Strengthen the immune system
10. Increase in energy and much more…
All counselling is confidential! I believe healing is a gift and not a business. This is why I keep my prices low.
Prices: £20 half hr.
Send an Email apositivelifestyle@yahoo.com
Text: 07507486532
Community Group Mental Health Well-being also available see link for more info:
% Spiritual Meditation Community Group Telford Shiftnal Shropshire – A Positive Lifestyle (amotivationalpositivelifestyle.com)